
Friday, November 18, 2011


神八返回舱抵京 据新华社北京11月19日电(记者赵薇)神舟八号返回舱19日被运抵北京,主着陆场区指挥部正式向飞船研制单位中国空间技术研究院交接返回舱。 开舱后主要进行三项工作:一是将搭载物品取出,飞船搭载的科学实验物品在主着 ... 神八返回舱抵京

Full Disk Encryption Hard For Law Enforcement To Crack

Full Disk Encryption Hard For Law Enforcement To Crack by Smallpond (221300) If the encryption should be absolutely safe, there has to be open source software, to be 100% sure that there is no back door. Or is every encryption technology reverse engineered to be able to say that no government idiot can ... Full Disk Encryption Hard For Law Enforcement To Crack

Manifestantes retomam controlo de Tahrir e fecham acessos

Manifestantes retomam controlo de Tahrir e fecham acessos Centenas de manifestantes contra a Junta Militar egípcia retomaram hoje o controlo da Praça Tahrir, no Cairo, depois da retirada das forças de segurança, e começaram a fechar os acessos ao local, noticia a EFE. Brigadas de voluntários impedem os ... Manifestantes retomam controlo de Tahrir e fecham acessos

El Athletic mide su poderío ante el

El Athletic mide su poderío ante el Sevilla/Bilbao, 19 nov (EFE).- El Athletic tiene mañana una dura prueba para medir su poderío y su buena dinámica al verse en el Sánchez Pizjuán, donde no gana hace 18 años, con el Sevilla, que no conoce el triunfo en las últimas cuatro jornadas pero ... El Athletic mide su poderío ante el

India must probe match-fixing claim - minister

India must probe match-fixing claim - ministerIndia must probe match-fixing claim - minister India's sports minister on Saturday called for the country's cricket board to probe allegations by a former Indian batsman that the 1996 World Cup semifinal against Sri Lanka may have been fixed. New Delhi – India's sports minister on Saturday called ... India must probe match-fixing claim - minister

Rugby - CE - 2e j. - Le BO n'a plus le choix

Rugby - CE - 2e j. - Le BO n'a plus le choix Lundi matin, Eduard Coetzee annonçait la fin de sa carrière, le corps meurtri par des douleurs cérébrales. Quelques heures plus tard, Dimitri Yachvili était contraint de renoncer (remplacé par le jeune Espoir Luix Roussarie, ndlr) à disputer le ... Rugby - CE - 2e j. - Le BO n'a plus le choix

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